Reptiles (snakes etc)

Reptiles are fascinating creatures, with an ancient history that has captivated many. They are a diverse group of animals, ranging from snakes to turtles and lizards to crocodiles. Reptiles have adapted to a range of habitats across the globe, from deserts to tropical forests. Though they may seem intimidating at first glance, reptiles actually possess unique features that make them quite interesting and endearing.

One thing that is immediately noticeable about reptiles is their tough skin. This thick layer helps protect them from predators as well as the elements. It also helps keep them cool in warm climates by providing insulation against heat loss. Additionally, many reptiles can change their colour depending on their surroundings or moods - this camouflage technique assists them in avoiding predation and staying safe in the wild.

Another striking feature of reptiles is their incredible agility when slithering or moving around quickly on land. By having flexible joints and powerful muscles, reptiles can move quickly and efficiently through different terrains and environments. This ability has allowed some species of reptile to survive for millions of years despite changing conditions on our planet; the survival strategies developed by these creatures are truly remarkable!

Reptiles also have incredible sensory organs which allow them to detect food, predators and mates effectively. They have acute vision thanks to highly developed eyesight which allows them to spot prey from long distances away; some species even have infrared sensors which enable night-time hunting! Furthermore, many rely on smell receptors located along their tongue's surface so they can locate food with ease; this 'taste' sense makes it easier for reptiles to find meals within their environment without much effort expended.

Finally, it is worth noting that most reptile species lay eggs rather than giving birth live young – a trait shared with birds but not mammals! This egg-laying behaviour helps ensure the survival of future generations as eggs provide protection against harsh weather conditions and predators until hatching time comes around. Reptiles are truly remarkable animals whose evolution has enabled them thrive in various ecosystems across the world – an impressive feat indeed!

Pest Control in Australia

Wild Animals (possums)

Frequently Asked Questions

Commonly, snakes and lizards are considered pests in Australia.
Reptiles should be handled with care by an experienced professional using the appropriate safety equipment.
Yes, the law requires that only trained professionals may handle certain species of reptiles and they must abide by all relevant laws and regulations regarding humane capture and relocation.
Always wear protective clothing such as long pants, thick gloves, and boots when handling any type of reptile; keep pets away from the area; never attempt to catch or handle venomous snakes; contact your local wildlife authority for advice on safe removal or relocation methods.